I grew up as most of us I suspect with little education about money management and reached adult hood financially illiterate. It has been a hard road to tread, one I hoped I could make a little easier for my own children. To that end I developed a fairly loose plan to educate them on managing money. I started when they were young as I believed that all good habits have a better chance of ingraining the earlier they are started. I worked out a plan of what I expected them to do with their
money and how much I would need to give them to achieve this and then sat them down and had a discussion about it all. We made an outing to the bank and they all opened accounts. I was sure to make it all very interactive. I did not want to do it all for them as I looked at it as all part of the education experience. I must note here that I am just a mum with no formal financial training, just common sense and the strong desire to see my children grow up with the best possible advantage. The following books have been producedusing the skills I implemented with my children as well as expanding the ideas as I know that not all families are the same and we all have differing ideas when it come to our kids but hopefully you will find some ideas that will help you to come up with a plan to start your kids on the way to their financial education.
money and how much I would need to give them to achieve this and then sat them down and had a discussion about it all. We made an outing to the bank and they all opened accounts. I was sure to make it all very interactive. I did not want to do it all for them as I looked at it as all part of the education experience. I must note here that I am just a mum with no formal financial training, just common sense and the strong desire to see my children grow up with the best possible advantage. The following books have been producedusing the skills I implemented with my children as well as expanding the ideas as I know that not all families are the same and we all have differing ideas when it come to our kids but hopefully you will find some ideas that will help you to come up with a plan to start your kids on the way to their financial education.