(Publisher's Note - You can get this and FOUR OTHER stories written by BPD authors in a combined anthology book called, "Borderline Personality Disorder: Riveting Stories, Suggested Strategies from 5 Women Diagnosed with BPD". Get it today - all 5 stories at 1 heavily discounted price in the Kindle Book Store!)
Borderline Personality Disorder is a serious problem. There are many different symptoms of the disease that can affect each individual sufferer in different ways. Some people have many of the various symptoms while others may only have severity from one or two of these symptoms. It is a dangerous mental disorder that has the potential to destroy relationships, careers and lives while wreaking its havoc through the minds of the people it chooses to attack.
The following is my very true and very real story of how I have learned about BPD, how I have coped with several tough diagnoses and how, today, I am living the life of someone without any mental disorders through the help of medication, therapy and a lot of will power from myself. Because of its realness, the story is raw and gritty in all aspects with nothing held back. It is the first time I have personally documented my struggles and successes throughout this journey that is my life with BPD.
Some of the topics I tackle in this story (among many others) are:
- What is the role that medication plays in controlling my BPD? (Hint - while it is important in a way, it's not as major as some people may think!)
- What is the role that my therapist plays? (Hint - finding the right therapist is huge!)
- What kind of people do I keep around me, and what kind of people do I keep away from me at all costs? (Hint - this is crucial)
- Where can you find people that know exactly what you are dealing with, that you can get valuable support from and even build relationships with, but don't cost a thing (unlike therapists)?
- What kinds of things are great to keep yourself busy with when you feel like you are about to go through an intense emotional cycle?
- Who are the people I have hurt most as a BPD sufferer? (why is that?)
- Why am I so positive about my future (and YOURS)?
My hope is that the journey you are about to take, as well as the suggestions I set forth, will help you or a loved one who is dealing with this insidious illness.
Borderline Personality Disorder is a serious problem. There are many different symptoms of the disease that can affect each individual sufferer in different ways. Some people have many of the various symptoms while others may only have severity from one or two of these symptoms. It is a dangerous mental disorder that has the potential to destroy relationships, careers and lives while wreaking its havoc through the minds of the people it chooses to attack.
The following is my very true and very real story of how I have learned about BPD, how I have coped with several tough diagnoses and how, today, I am living the life of someone without any mental disorders through the help of medication, therapy and a lot of will power from myself. Because of its realness, the story is raw and gritty in all aspects with nothing held back. It is the first time I have personally documented my struggles and successes throughout this journey that is my life with BPD.
Some of the topics I tackle in this story (among many others) are:
- What is the role that medication plays in controlling my BPD? (Hint - while it is important in a way, it's not as major as some people may think!)
- What is the role that my therapist plays? (Hint - finding the right therapist is huge!)
- What kind of people do I keep around me, and what kind of people do I keep away from me at all costs? (Hint - this is crucial)
- Where can you find people that know exactly what you are dealing with, that you can get valuable support from and even build relationships with, but don't cost a thing (unlike therapists)?
- What kinds of things are great to keep yourself busy with when you feel like you are about to go through an intense emotional cycle?
- Who are the people I have hurt most as a BPD sufferer? (why is that?)
- Why am I so positive about my future (and YOURS)?
My hope is that the journey you are about to take, as well as the suggestions I set forth, will help you or a loved one who is dealing with this insidious illness.