Introducing "Bethlehem the Beginning," the story of the birth of Jesus as told by the animals, for Kindle. This light-hearted and funny account of Christmas in Bethlehem features a cast of characters that includes Mr. Mouse, the Ewe, the Lamb, Grandpa Sheep, the Ram, Bettima, Lily & Jasmina the camels, to name a few. This story will entertain children and adults alike with it's witty dialogue that support the dialogue of the real Christmas story.
If you are looking for a way to put Christ back in Christmas this Christmas season, "Bethlehem the Beginning" is the perfect gift you'll want to download and enjoy all Christmas season long (and beyond)!
This Christmas you and your children can enjoy an oft told story again and again, from a whole new perspective.
If you are looking for a way to put Christ back in Christmas this Christmas season, "Bethlehem the Beginning" is the perfect gift you'll want to download and enjoy all Christmas season long (and beyond)!
This Christmas you and your children can enjoy an oft told story again and again, from a whole new perspective.