The Adventures of Zombie Boy is a comic strip starring Zombie Boy, Zombie Girl, a dog and various people they encounter. Relatively harmless, our zombies go through their living deaths having assorted experiences, much like any "normal" person.
Zombies live in the moment. What catches their attention is what interests them. They do not worry about the past, the future or the consequences of their actions; they are who they are and make no apologies.
Zombie Boy and Zombie Girl tend to be easily distracted and sometimes do things that do not make sense to us living folk. Rest assured, what they are doing makes complete sense to them while they are doing it.
Zombies live in the moment. What catches their attention is what interests them. They do not worry about the past, the future or the consequences of their actions; they are who they are and make no apologies.
Zombie Boy and Zombie Girl tend to be easily distracted and sometimes do things that do not make sense to us living folk. Rest assured, what they are doing makes complete sense to them while they are doing it.