"I personally endorse the format and readability of this eBook edition. Great care has been taken to ensure that all figures and tables present as clearly as possible and for endnotes to click through to Internet references wherever possible."
- Brian Wernham, Author
- Clickable table of contents
- Part III (Chapters 17-23, 82 pages, 22,400 words)
- Includes: figures 11-17 & tables 7-10
- Clickable Endnotes
Notes on the eBook edition
This eBook edition is in the Amazon .mobi format. We have tested it on the Amazon Kindle reader software on Windows, Mac OS, Android, and on the Kindle hardware reader.
This eBook is an unabridged version of Part III of the printed book. Parts I and II are available as separate eBooks.
eBooks allow the reader to decide on font type, size and orientation. The technology allows for a fully tailorable user experience, but requires strict adherence by the publisher to Amazon's very tight rules over special formatting and layout. We have formatted all images specially to allow for optimal viewing in portrait or landscape mode, and you can select each one and zoom-in on for extra readability. They are published herein in color for current users of PC, Tablet, iPad and future-proofed for upgrades to Kindle Fire.
Tables are not supported in the Kindle format. So all tables herein have been presented as graphics objects. Large tables have been split into two or more graphics to ensure readability. For the convenience of the reader, tables have been placed immediately after the paragraph that first references them. The only exceptions are tables in the print edition that included endnote references - these have been kept in the same position in the text as in the print edition, usually a few paragraphs later (having been typeset on the following page), so as to ensure that endnote reference numbers are the same between print and eBook editions.
We have also made the endnotes .mobi format 'clickable'. Each reference is available only two clicks from where it is referenced in the text. This is especially useful for researching those endnote references that are available online. As Kindle hardware does not allow Internet downloads of PDFs we provide a link via the Google reader. The limited Kindle 'experimental' Internet browser does not support long URLs, so we have provided an alternative short link via bit.ly. In a small number of cases, references may be difficult to read due to the limitations of the Kindle hardware - the good news is that your eBook license will allow you to click through to these references on a PC, MAC or Android device at no extra cost.
Amazon changes its software and hardware specifications from time to time. Please do notify us of any problems you may encounter, and we will investigate and republish any updates for your eBook to you at no extra charge.
Mim Strong
Maitland and Strong
September 2012
- Brian Wernham, Author
- Clickable table of contents
- Part III (Chapters 17-23, 82 pages, 22,400 words)
- Includes: figures 11-17 & tables 7-10
- Clickable Endnotes
Notes on the eBook edition
This eBook edition is in the Amazon .mobi format. We have tested it on the Amazon Kindle reader software on Windows, Mac OS, Android, and on the Kindle hardware reader.
This eBook is an unabridged version of Part III of the printed book. Parts I and II are available as separate eBooks.
eBooks allow the reader to decide on font type, size and orientation. The technology allows for a fully tailorable user experience, but requires strict adherence by the publisher to Amazon's very tight rules over special formatting and layout. We have formatted all images specially to allow for optimal viewing in portrait or landscape mode, and you can select each one and zoom-in on for extra readability. They are published herein in color for current users of PC, Tablet, iPad and future-proofed for upgrades to Kindle Fire.
Tables are not supported in the Kindle format. So all tables herein have been presented as graphics objects. Large tables have been split into two or more graphics to ensure readability. For the convenience of the reader, tables have been placed immediately after the paragraph that first references them. The only exceptions are tables in the print edition that included endnote references - these have been kept in the same position in the text as in the print edition, usually a few paragraphs later (having been typeset on the following page), so as to ensure that endnote reference numbers are the same between print and eBook editions.
We have also made the endnotes .mobi format 'clickable'. Each reference is available only two clicks from where it is referenced in the text. This is especially useful for researching those endnote references that are available online. As Kindle hardware does not allow Internet downloads of PDFs we provide a link via the Google reader. The limited Kindle 'experimental' Internet browser does not support long URLs, so we have provided an alternative short link via bit.ly. In a small number of cases, references may be difficult to read due to the limitations of the Kindle hardware - the good news is that your eBook license will allow you to click through to these references on a PC, MAC or Android device at no extra cost.
Amazon changes its software and hardware specifications from time to time. Please do notify us of any problems you may encounter, and we will investigate and republish any updates for your eBook to you at no extra charge.
Mim Strong
Maitland and Strong
September 2012