A Kingdom in Flames
Short storyline
This is the first installment of a three part trilogy that follows the main protagonist Cole. As a young child, Cole has learned to protect his village and was able to fight off the relentless zombie invasions that plagued the village. Cole was crowned king of said village, and many years of peace followed. One day, rebels stormed the happy little village and took over the throne. The village did not stand a chance, as it was very small with few townspeople to speak of. Among those few residents, the guards have diminished from years of peace and calm life. From many idle years of peaceful days upon the land, Cole has become less than prepared to fight. With the latest raid that afflicted his town, Cole sets out to find a way to fight once again and continue his life long mission to protect the sleepy little town he calls home. Now, Cole must find a way to reclaim his village once again before time runs out. Will Cole find what he is searching for all alone out there, or is there something terrible waiting for him along his endeavor?
Follow this Exciting New Adventure!!!!! GRAB your copy NOW!!!!!
*Fictional Story with Real elements included.