The goal of this 1400-word vocabulary list is to help students learn words easily and effectively.
Learning is done through three broad processes: association, chunking and differentiation. Association is when we learn new ideas by comparing them with old ones. Chunking is when specific ideas are united under a general heading. And differentiation is when distinct traits of different ideas are drawn out. The traditional alphabetized dictionary doesn't utilize any of these processes for the reader. This book does.
Instead of alphabetically, the words in this book are organized by category. At the beginning of each word group, there is a pair of opposite words. Under each pair, there is a list of more specific words. Each specific word is clarified by a definition and an example sentence. The organization concept sounds simple; but it's based on the learning processes above. As you look through the book (or the preview of the book), you'll realize why learning words this particular way is the most effective.
This book can help students studying for the SAT and GRE, as well as those who want to be more expressive in their scholastic and creative essay writing.
Learning is done through three broad processes: association, chunking and differentiation. Association is when we learn new ideas by comparing them with old ones. Chunking is when specific ideas are united under a general heading. And differentiation is when distinct traits of different ideas are drawn out. The traditional alphabetized dictionary doesn't utilize any of these processes for the reader. This book does.
Instead of alphabetically, the words in this book are organized by category. At the beginning of each word group, there is a pair of opposite words. Under each pair, there is a list of more specific words. Each specific word is clarified by a definition and an example sentence. The organization concept sounds simple; but it's based on the learning processes above. As you look through the book (or the preview of the book), you'll realize why learning words this particular way is the most effective.
This book can help students studying for the SAT and GRE, as well as those who want to be more expressive in their scholastic and creative essay writing.