Set against a backdrop of actual events in 1995, Martyn Percival, a middle-aged New Zealander, seeks adventure on his first OE to the United Kingdom. A chance sighting, providing a possible link between an explosion that has rocked the nation and the whereabouts of a renegade IRA operative, has Martyn reporting his suspicions to an attractive police sergeant in the Cotswolds.
Scotland Yard becomes involved when the bomber is identified as a serial killer, who then embarks on a mission seeking revenge on the tourist who “shopped him”.
Martyn’s burgeoning feelings for the sergeant have him agreeing to participate in a planned trap for his nemesis. When this backfires, Martyn returns to New Zealand. His stalker follows.
Faced with fear for his own survival, Martyn has no alternative but to turn the tables and stalk the stalker. Thus setting up a face-to-face finale in New Zealand’s North Island wintry landscape.
“This crime novel is gritty, well-crafted, and stresses that no matter what happens, however minor, it has an influence on the rest of our lives.”
Dorothy Alexander (Manawatu Standard and Stuff Books webpage)
Available: from all good bookstores - published by Mary Egan Publishing ISBN 978-0-473-36189-1 OR in eBook form from Amazon - ePub ISBN: 978-0-473-36190-7.
Author’s Bio: Christopher Abbey was born in South Africa and, in 1977, immigrated with his family to New Zealand. A Quantity Surveyor by profession, he counteracted the predominance of numbers in his life by writing as a hobby. A creative writing course in 1996 inspired A Moment’s Silence. He has lived in Palmerston North since 1978.
Scotland Yard becomes involved when the bomber is identified as a serial killer, who then embarks on a mission seeking revenge on the tourist who “shopped him”.
Martyn’s burgeoning feelings for the sergeant have him agreeing to participate in a planned trap for his nemesis. When this backfires, Martyn returns to New Zealand. His stalker follows.
Faced with fear for his own survival, Martyn has no alternative but to turn the tables and stalk the stalker. Thus setting up a face-to-face finale in New Zealand’s North Island wintry landscape.
“This crime novel is gritty, well-crafted, and stresses that no matter what happens, however minor, it has an influence on the rest of our lives.”
Dorothy Alexander (Manawatu Standard and Stuff Books webpage)
Available: from all good bookstores - published by Mary Egan Publishing ISBN 978-0-473-36189-1 OR in eBook form from Amazon - ePub ISBN: 978-0-473-36190-7.
Author’s Bio: Christopher Abbey was born in South Africa and, in 1977, immigrated with his family to New Zealand. A Quantity Surveyor by profession, he counteracted the predominance of numbers in his life by writing as a hobby. A creative writing course in 1996 inspired A Moment’s Silence. He has lived in Palmerston North since 1978.