"Sillymander" is the second installment in the Happypotamus franchise of Christian children's stories by Jason Plassard. It is a story for young children and their parents that addresses two struggles for many kids - standing up to bullies and knowing that you are loved by God exactly the way He created you. The precocious Sally the Sillymander is funny and cute, and also the new kid in school. See how she interacts with our charming heroine, the ultimate optimist Hailey the Happypotamus. And what happens when she comes across the school bully, Roger the Ruffalo? Hailey teaches us that God's love is more powerful than anything we will come across in life...and makes a brand-new friend in the process
And who would have ever guessed that Hailey was a cheerleader? Check out "Sillymander: A Happypotamus Story" and the original "Happypotamus"!
And who would have ever guessed that Hailey was a cheerleader? Check out "Sillymander: A Happypotamus Story" and the original "Happypotamus"!