The Viking Age. Adventure, fighting, ghosts.
This is the saga of Aslak Ottarssen, known as ‘Slave-Born.’
Aslak, and his beloved sister, Astrid, are the children of a Norwegian farmer by an English slave. Their father frees Aslak, but not Astrid.
At fifteen, and a man under Viking law, Aslak ‘goes Viking.’ He promises Astrid that as soon as he has earned silver enough, he will buy her freedom.
On returning home, he finds that his father has died — and his step-brothers have sold his sister.
Furious, Aslak leaves his home forever, and calls on his ship-brothers to help him find and free his sister.
He pursues her across the North, and finds her — but, in the 9th Century, the North is violent and often lawless.
Beaten, Aslak is carried across the sea to England’s Danelaw, and sold as a slave. He despairs of regaining his own freedom, let alone freeing his lost sister.
But, a captive among strangers, he finds unexpected help, faces death, sees a ghost — and meets still more danger.