Coffee Drinks From Around The World
How do you take your coffee?
As the book title suggests, its about a complete list of
coffee drinks from around the world.
This Kindle Book contains a fun list of various coffee beverages
from around the world. From "Affogato" to "Zebra Mocha".
I have also included fun facts about coffee. Find out which King
banned coffee and find out the name of the most expensive coffee
in the world. Find out which country consumes the most coffee
(it is not who you think). And much more!
Coffee is a beverage that has captivated the world for more than 700
years. Get to know a brief history of coffee and find out which historic
event caused Americans to switch from being heavy tea drinkers to
being hard core coffee consumers.
This Kindle book is also a great gift for any coffee enthusiast.
*** Coffee Drinks From Around The World ***