Consider all the ingredients you need to make a delicious plate of food from scratch and then the amount of time it takes to cook, with high gas and energy prices – buy it from the grocery store precook and finish cooking it at home is cheaper. Let the grocery store use their energy and time. I want to tell you about some dishes that taste like home cooking and they are quick and easy for the no time to cook individuals. For the college student who is studying and working part-time, mother who has gone back to work, with children at home, dads who have to cook while mom is out, single or married; this book is for you.
Energy bills going up and the cost of gas following it; it is cheaper once again to stay at home with the feeling of eating out. Unless you grow your own food; it might be less expensive to buy certain foods from the grocery precook and warm it up at home.
Energy bills going up and the cost of gas following it; it is cheaper once again to stay at home with the feeling of eating out. Unless you grow your own food; it might be less expensive to buy certain foods from the grocery precook and warm it up at home.