Science of Success
How Successful People Think Differently - Strategies Great Minds Use to Achieve Success
Has it ever occurred to you that some people are able to attain so much success at social, professional or personal level whereas others are struggling to get even a fraction of that success? Well, this is a common scene in our society today. For instance, two or more people can commit to a same goal of losing weight by going to the gym. One of them may manage to follow through while the other one falls by the way side. The question that we always ask ourselves is – how different does the successful person do his things? This is the science and secret of success. Whether it is about losing weight, learning a new skill or starting a business, successful people have a game plan that is different in structure and principle from that used by people who fail.
Is there a possibility that successful people are wired differently from the rest of the pack? Is there something in their DNA that is so unique to them? To answer these questions, a lot of theories have been put forward. Surprisingly, some of them have nothing to do with formal education. It is possible to see thousands of people unemployed, broke and unhappy even with briefcases full of doctorate degrees. On the other hand, you may see tens of thousands of happy, rich and independent people who only managed a high school education. While formal education is important, research shows that lack of it does not automatically equal to lack of success. As long as you have basic formal education such as a college diploma and you are willing to invest in yourself by listening to powerful and successful people, reading books on the secretes of making it through life, then you will ultimately succeed.Do not put yourself down and let the lack of advanced formal education be an excuse for you not to succeed in life. Intelligence is good both at a personal and social level but it is not the express key to success. Many people out there who are earning millions of dollars and are in happy relationships and great health are not as intelligent as you are. They probably graduated at the bottom half of their class but in life they are doing so well over and above those who were in the top of the same class. It can be quite frustrating to see someone who was not as intelligent as you are making more money than you do.The most important question that every one of us should be asking ourselves is: How can we get our hands on the magic ingredients that successful people have access to so that we can add them to our lives to experience success as well? There has been a great deal of work going on to try and unearth possible answers to this question. As a matter of fact, the last 100 years has seen much activity in the direction of unlocking the secrets behind success. However, the most unfortunate thing is that most of the materials from these life changing researches have been conveniently hidden in boring and hard to read academic literature. Inside the pages of this book, I seek to demystify the manner in which success people think so as to give you the secrets of the winning formula of success.
Here is a preview of what you will learn...
- Take Responsibility for your life
- Have a Dream List
- Set Specific, Measurable and Achievable Goals
- Prioritize and Commitment
- Take Action towards the Goal
- Track Progress and Performance
- Visualize your Success
- Think Positively
- Persistence and Handling of Failure
- Strategic Risk Takers