The Hunger Games, a young adult book published in 2008, focuses on the experiences of 16-year-old heroine Katniss Everdeen as she faces death in a gladiatorial arena in the futuristic country of Panem. Many of the dystopian novel’s central themes revolve around the conflict between survival and humanity and reveal how freedom of choice offers the possibility of defiance within a cruel and totalitarian regime. Of particular note is the way the author, Suzanne Collins, gives razor-sharp focus to the invasive and corrupting qualities of reality television and technology. eNotes lesson plans have been written, tested, and approved by working classroom teachers.
This lesson plan for The Hunger Games features an in-depth introductory lecture, discussion questions, vocabulary lists, chapter-by-chapter study questions, a multiple-choice test, and essay questions. Complete answer keys are also included!
This lesson plan for The Hunger Games features an in-depth introductory lecture, discussion questions, vocabulary lists, chapter-by-chapter study questions, a multiple-choice test, and essay questions. Complete answer keys are also included!