None of us can know what fate has in store for us with respect to our personal health or that of a loved one. Life is not always something you can plan and any one of us can find a spell in hospital as we grow older only to be expected. I have written and published a book containing tips on how to make an NHS hospital stay more comfortable. It contains a list of material to pack, (The Survival Kit), explains a variety of things that you may encounter in this new and alien environment, and it expresses changes to expect when you return home. A must for any shortly to be in-patient or a gift for an existing in-patient that you may be visiting. Probably, like the majority of people, your only experience of hospital is a distant memory from your past or maybe this is your first occasion where you can only relate to series you have seen on the TV. Well believe me; the patient experience is like no TV programme. This book helps you prepare and is a useful reference guide for when you are actually in hospital. If you, or someone you know, are about to undergo a hospital stay, this book will help make that visit all the more bearable and maybe even an enjoyment.
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