“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” – Ecclesiates 9:11
Seven Ephemera - Three Fates is a collection of philosophical aphorisms that express the moral and ethical dilemmas of risk-taking. How can we rationalize self-interest with altruism? How can we align our personal responsibility for others with our competitive nature? How can we prosper without regret in a world where Fortune clearly favors the bold?
For lesser and greater, for richer and poorer, it is the same answer: only time will tell.
Seven Ephemera - Three Fates is the first book in the series.
Seven Ephemera - Three Fates is a collection of philosophical aphorisms that express the moral and ethical dilemmas of risk-taking. How can we rationalize self-interest with altruism? How can we align our personal responsibility for others with our competitive nature? How can we prosper without regret in a world where Fortune clearly favors the bold?
For lesser and greater, for richer and poorer, it is the same answer: only time will tell.
Seven Ephemera - Three Fates is the first book in the series.