"The indispensable next step to dictating like a pro!"
Following this course will get you dictating faster! For most of us, switching to dictation is a humbling process. No matter how proficiently we write at the keyboard, dictating our words to the screen can feel as fluid as swimming through molasses!
That's because it takes time (and real effort!) to train the brain for verbal composition. The Dictation Exercises For Writers courses were developed specifically to help our brains develop the skills we need for the fluent, high-word-count dictations we all want!
What to expect:
Basic dictation exercises designed to train your brain for verbal composition.
Not-so-basic dictation exercises that transition, at your own pace, toward complexity and difficulty.
Training suited for both fiction & non-fiction.
Grade school fundamentals you hoped you’d never see again.
A faster way to get 1st drafts done, books or blogs.
Mr. Miyagi-style repetition. Paint the fence. Get used to it.
What not to expect:
A walk-through for writing a book.
Technical ideas/support for speech recognition hardware and software.
Dictation ideas for editing. For me, that’s a fingers-on-the-keyboard task.
A lot of my opinions. I provide mostly prompts and brief advice. This is really all about you.