Find Freelance Writing Jobs Over & Over With Ease
Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned veteran, a successful freelance writer (that's YOU) needs a good supply of clients providing plenty of jobs. This book documents everything you need to know in order to make a significant full time or part time income from home or anywhere else you choose to work.
Not only does the Resources section of the book list more than 200 places in which to find freelance writing jobs, the information provided throughout will help to ensure that you get the most out of the profession.
The Book Section By Section
The first section of this book talks about getting started in the world of online writing from the tools of the trade through to the workings of “content mills” and how you can make best use of these marketplaces to progress your career.
Section 2 goes on to show how those seeking content writing jobs online can escape the relatively low paid mills to create their own brand and website while winning clients through various channels.
Expanding on this, section 3 talks about all of the different types of creative writing that you could offer to potential clients including a comprehensive chapter on how to write SEO optimized content. There are also chapters on guest blogging, writing email newsletters, ebook creation and more.
When work starts to flow in from your real, high paying clients, section 4 talks about how to stay on top of things and, when necessary, outsource other tasks so that you can focus on writing and writing alone.
All writing jobs require an agreed upon rate of compensation and section 5 deals with how to best set this rate of pay and the different ways you can do this. It also details how to ensure you get paid by your clients in a timely manner.
Finally, just before the all important Resources section, other self employment issues are addressed in section 6 including how to cope with tasks such as accounting, tax payments and even health insurance.