IMPROVING LEARNING has been written in response to repeated requests for a detailed explanation of the quality improvement philosophy applied to school education. It explains how to engage everyone in improvement – students, teachers, school leaders, system administrators, families and school community members. This book shows you how to get started and how to continue to improve learning, performance and the quality of school life.
IMPROVING LEARNING summarises a holistic and proven theory for improvement based on the philosophy of W. Edwards Deming and other key practitioners in industry, government and education. It draws heavily on the authors’ experience of working with hundreds of schools, districts, education and other systems over three decades.
IMPROVING LEARNING offers new ways of thinking about school improvement. Simple and practical tools are explained, and the book includes links to templates, video clips, papers and other resources to support your improvement efforts.
This book is a practical guide for any school wishing to enhance student learning, build teacher capacity, create authentic relationships, use data to inform teaching and tackle hard issues without compromising trust between all stakeholders. It is a guide based on theory and has been tried, tested and refined in schools over many years.
BARB ADAM - Principal - Roxburgh Homestead Primary School - Victoria
This book is a guide in the truest sense of the word. It will support, encourage and aid school leaders as they navigate school improvement. Most importantly, it will be a go-to reference, a just-in-time reminder of how-to. For these reasons, the book adds significantly to the school improvement landscape.
JULIE MURKINS - Principal - Lake Tuggeranong College - Canberra - Australian Capital Territory
This book is a blessing for anyone interested in sustainable educational innovation
that maximizes student learning!
PAUL D. DEERING - Ph.D. - Professor - University of Hawai‘i
Michael and Jane provide ample evidence that quality management methods not
only work in education, they make a difference.
MS LOU TRIBUS - Primary school teacher - St Thomas Aquinas School - Milton Keynes - UK
This book is a ‘must have guide’ for schools that are serious about whole school improvement.
BARBARA KERR - Whole School Development Advisor - Education East Africa - Tanzania
MICHAEL KING established and lead the Australian Quality Council 1996 Quality in Schools initiative, which introduced quality improvement ideas and methods to over 350 schools and preschools. Michael established QLA in 2002 to continue to support schools in their improvement efforts. QLA designs and delivers professional development interventions for education system leaders, school leaders, and teachers, leading to demonstrable sustainable improvements in school performance and the quality of school life.
JANE KOVACS spent the early years of her career in local government, health and education; in laboratories, human resources, strategic planning, project management, and quality improvement. During this time, she was introduced to improvement theory and practice. She started working with Michael as a project director for Business Excellence Australia, designing and facilitating learning and support for principals, educators and system leaders across four states and territories. Jane joined QLA in 2003 as co-director to focus on the school improvement work she loves.
IMPROVING LEARNING summarises a holistic and proven theory for improvement based on the philosophy of W. Edwards Deming and other key practitioners in industry, government and education. It draws heavily on the authors’ experience of working with hundreds of schools, districts, education and other systems over three decades.
IMPROVING LEARNING offers new ways of thinking about school improvement. Simple and practical tools are explained, and the book includes links to templates, video clips, papers and other resources to support your improvement efforts.
This book is a practical guide for any school wishing to enhance student learning, build teacher capacity, create authentic relationships, use data to inform teaching and tackle hard issues without compromising trust between all stakeholders. It is a guide based on theory and has been tried, tested and refined in schools over many years.
BARB ADAM - Principal - Roxburgh Homestead Primary School - Victoria
This book is a guide in the truest sense of the word. It will support, encourage and aid school leaders as they navigate school improvement. Most importantly, it will be a go-to reference, a just-in-time reminder of how-to. For these reasons, the book adds significantly to the school improvement landscape.
JULIE MURKINS - Principal - Lake Tuggeranong College - Canberra - Australian Capital Territory
This book is a blessing for anyone interested in sustainable educational innovation
that maximizes student learning!
PAUL D. DEERING - Ph.D. - Professor - University of Hawai‘i
Michael and Jane provide ample evidence that quality management methods not
only work in education, they make a difference.
MS LOU TRIBUS - Primary school teacher - St Thomas Aquinas School - Milton Keynes - UK
This book is a ‘must have guide’ for schools that are serious about whole school improvement.
BARBARA KERR - Whole School Development Advisor - Education East Africa - Tanzania
MICHAEL KING established and lead the Australian Quality Council 1996 Quality in Schools initiative, which introduced quality improvement ideas and methods to over 350 schools and preschools. Michael established QLA in 2002 to continue to support schools in their improvement efforts. QLA designs and delivers professional development interventions for education system leaders, school leaders, and teachers, leading to demonstrable sustainable improvements in school performance and the quality of school life.
JANE KOVACS spent the early years of her career in local government, health and education; in laboratories, human resources, strategic planning, project management, and quality improvement. During this time, she was introduced to improvement theory and practice. She started working with Michael as a project director for Business Excellence Australia, designing and facilitating learning and support for principals, educators and system leaders across four states and territories. Jane joined QLA in 2003 as co-director to focus on the school improvement work she loves.