Since VPN technology has emerged as the number one choice for building secure networks over the Internet, IT Manager's Guide to Virtual Private Networks, by David Leon Clark, should serve as your number one reference choice! It's the perfect tool for implementing economic, efficient, secure electronic networks for your business. The first resource to size up the latest Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) finalized RFC standars for Internet security protocols, this step-by-step guide to the component technologies of VPNs puts you ahead of the curve on:
*Current and emerging standards; tunneling protocols such as IPSec, L2TP, and SOCKS; user authentication, including RADIUS SecurID and CRYPTOCard; encryption schemes.
*Preventing hacker attacks and security breaches.
*The architecture, technology, and services of firewalls.
*And much, much more
Also helps you shope for popular vendor VPN solutions and, with real-world examples from small-to-multinational enterprises, helps you choose the ones that best meet your organization's needs.