MIND MELD: Get Inside Your Prospect's Head
Do you remember the TV series Star Trek? If you do, you might remember Spoke's "Mind Meld" whereby he used to meld his mind with that of another person. By doing so he knew exactly what the other person was thinking. I think Spoke would have made a brilliant marketer because if you know (1) what people want, (2) how much they'll pay for it and (3) how they want to consume it, then you've just got to give them what they want and you're rich.
Here's what some millionaire marketers and copywriters have to say about this insider secret to writing profitable, persuasive copywriting...
"Our job, as the seller of goods and services, is to get out of our own heads and into the heads of the people that we're selling to" Franklin Cole, Amazing.com
"Get inside your prospects’ heads" Rich Schefren, Strategic Profits
"Enter the conversation your prospect is having in their mind" Robert Collier
"My strongest copywriting technique; writing from behind their eyes" Ray Edwards
"If you can’t turn yourself into your customer, you probably shouldn’t be in the ad writing business at all.” Leo Burnett
Who Will Benefit From Reading "MIND MELD"?
Anyone interested in advertising, marketing, copywriting or persuasive techniques will learn a great deal. Getting inside your prospect’s head is the secret sauce to making millions of dollars online. It's the common denominator of almost all millionaire marketers. Understand this fundamental concept and you'll have the foundation of all successful businesses.
What Will You Discover From Reading "MIND MELD"?
- You can create targeted marketing campaigns specific to the person you want to attract based on the customer avatar you have created
- Make your marketing strategy more efficient
- Ensure your ad dollars are invested in the right places
- Improve your lead quality and conversions
- Use the voice and tone to match your audience
- Improve your personal branding to appeal to your target market
- Client retention will improve because you know exactly what they want and you can keep on providing it
- Define your "Perfect Customer"
- How to construct your Customer Avatar
- And Much, Much More...
Your marketing should be laser targeted towards your perfect customer, not a hit-n-miss or 'shotgun' marketing campaign which will quickly burn up a lot of money and wastes a lot of your time and resources.
"If you aim for the dartboard and just miss, you score nothing. If you aim for the bull’s-eye and just miss, at least you score something." Richard G. Lewis
People Who Read This Book:
Loved it!
In this 23-page eBook Richard goes into details about how to get inside your customers’ minds. He begins by explaining why you should identify your prospect’s physical and behavioral characteristics. I liked how he explained the Mind Melding concept using 3 different niches. When I was reading the last section of the book, it reminded me of Frank Kern’s Core Influence video that I saw a few years ago. Thanks for jogging my old memories Richard :) Mind Meld is definitely worth a read!
Abhay Hendre, IamAbhay.com
Tags: Perfect Customer, Copywriting, Advertising, Marketing, Mind Control, Decision Making, Brainwashing, Dark Art, Manipulation, Self Help, Social Psychology Interactions, Psychology, Psychology & Counselling, Persuasion, Influence, Persuasive Techniques.