Welcome to the World of Animated Tall Tales!
Created by Extremely Imaginative 9, 10 and 11 year olds!
So what exactly is a tall tale? A Tall Tale is a story with unbelievable characters, actions and/or exaggerated elements, told as if they were true and factual, no matter how farfetched it may sound. These tales are often told in a way that makes the narrator a part of the story and many times come out as the hero. Tall Tales can be based upon real events or completely made up! That’s the beauty of it!
We are super excited to present these stories to you. They are authentic, original and we left it comprehensively unedited to keep writer’s creative voice.
Our intention was to create a workshop that fosters writing in youth by sparking imagination, exploring the art of storytelling and creating tangible forms of literary work!
We are committed to using our success and experiences to impart into our youth and give them the opportunity to express themselves creatively. We want them to not only believe that THEY CAN be successfully creative, but also give them tangible evidence that THEY HAVE.
Created by Extremely Imaginative 9, 10 and 11 year olds!
So what exactly is a tall tale? A Tall Tale is a story with unbelievable characters, actions and/or exaggerated elements, told as if they were true and factual, no matter how farfetched it may sound. These tales are often told in a way that makes the narrator a part of the story and many times come out as the hero. Tall Tales can be based upon real events or completely made up! That’s the beauty of it!
We are super excited to present these stories to you. They are authentic, original and we left it comprehensively unedited to keep writer’s creative voice.
Our intention was to create a workshop that fosters writing in youth by sparking imagination, exploring the art of storytelling and creating tangible forms of literary work!
We are committed to using our success and experiences to impart into our youth and give them the opportunity to express themselves creatively. We want them to not only believe that THEY CAN be successfully creative, but also give them tangible evidence that THEY HAVE.