The goats are hungry and want to cross a bridge to get to the other side.
But something lives at the bridge and makes it difficult to cross in this
extended version of fable by Aesop, the three goats. Learn size and the
difference between large and larger, smaller and smallest, long and longer,
and so on. Teaches differences in size and the related words.
Ahuntzak gose dira, eta zubi bat zeharkatu behar beste aldean lortu nahi.
Baina zerbait zubian bizi eta egiten den honetan zeharkatuko zaila da
fabula bertsio zabaldu Esopo, hiru ahuntzak arabera. Argibide tamaina eta
handiak eta handiagoa, txikiagoa, eta txikiena, luze eta luzeagoa arteko aldea,
eta abar. Tamaina diferentziak eta lotutako hitzak irakasten.
What other readers say about Laila Bachan language books.
"we enjoyed the story, the cute moral at the end, and the effort that the author put in to getting this book on kindle for us! ....."
"Very nice little book....."
"Helped reading common words ....."
But something lives at the bridge and makes it difficult to cross in this
extended version of fable by Aesop, the three goats. Learn size and the
difference between large and larger, smaller and smallest, long and longer,
and so on. Teaches differences in size and the related words.
Ahuntzak gose dira, eta zubi bat zeharkatu behar beste aldean lortu nahi.
Baina zerbait zubian bizi eta egiten den honetan zeharkatuko zaila da
fabula bertsio zabaldu Esopo, hiru ahuntzak arabera. Argibide tamaina eta
handiak eta handiagoa, txikiagoa, eta txikiena, luze eta luzeagoa arteko aldea,
eta abar. Tamaina diferentziak eta lotutako hitzak irakasten.
What other readers say about Laila Bachan language books.
"we enjoyed the story, the cute moral at the end, and the effort that the author put in to getting this book on kindle for us! ....."
"Very nice little book....."
"Helped reading common words ....."