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    Porch It

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    Porch It

    By Josh Malbon

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    Yes, this is the story of The Paperboy, the lone young watchman who delivered the news every morning while you slept in your bed. Behold the journey, behold the paper, and behold the rubberband that kept it together, so are the entwined short stories that come together in the saga of Josh Malbon's PORCH IT!

    Have You Ever wanted something with all your heart? Something that will indentify your soul…

    The Commodore 64, the greatest modern jump in video game history, well at least for a ten-year-old in 1984, but as a ten-year-old where does a young man find Five Hundred Ninety-Five dollars?!

    You can't do this with lemonade, so of course, as any young entrepreneurial Josh Malbon decided to enlist in the service and deliver newspapers for the San Jose Mercury News.

    PORCH IT is an unflinching humorous look at growing up in the 80's. The dangerous tale of standing up to bullies, learning right from wrong, and delivering the news in Los Gatos, California during the birth of Silicon Valley. The fight for that one goal every young boy desires.
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