A practical guide for writing a business plan for your great business idea. Business Plan Template: How to Write a Business Plan helps entrepreneurs communicate their business idea to investors, lenders and partners.
Business Plan Template includes an outline and discussion of the major parts of any good business plan including the types of business plans, the business planning process, the overall business plan template, the organization, the marketing plan and financial analysis. It includes a free sample business plan for use with your business.
Whether you need to know how to write a business plan for a home business or a high tech government contracting venture; this book will show you how because the basics of writing a business plan are the same. Forget the theory and management jargon. If you want to know how to write a plan to start a small business in the real world, this book is for you! Entrepreneurship is hard and many famous entrepreneurs have tried and failed when their ideas for new businesses didn't work out. Take your idea, develop your business model and put it into writing using Chris' system to launch your business. Get in business and get profitable, quick!
Business Plan Template includes an outline and discussion of the major parts of any good business plan including the types of business plans, the business planning process, the overall business plan template, the organization, the marketing plan and financial analysis. It includes a free sample business plan for use with your business.
Whether you need to know how to write a business plan for a home business or a high tech government contracting venture; this book will show you how because the basics of writing a business plan are the same. Forget the theory and management jargon. If you want to know how to write a plan to start a small business in the real world, this book is for you! Entrepreneurship is hard and many famous entrepreneurs have tried and failed when their ideas for new businesses didn't work out. Take your idea, develop your business model and put it into writing using Chris' system to launch your business. Get in business and get profitable, quick!