This is a transcript of an audio that was recorded in Western Washington in 2016. It was for a small seminar with the title, ‘How to start a small business with no competitors.’ The attendees came from as far away as New Jersey, Georgia, and Guadalajara, Mexico.
“The presenter is JJ Luna, author of How to be Invisible, first published in 2000 by Saint Martin’s Press and still in print 16 years later. Luna's fame as a businessman comes from having started 12 successful businesses in a row, each on a shoestring and none requiring employees, business licenses, or retail locations. All were in a niche with no competitors.
“The presenter is JJ Luna, author of How to be Invisible, first published in 2000 by Saint Martin’s Press and still in print 16 years later. Luna's fame as a businessman comes from having started 12 successful businesses in a row, each on a shoestring and none requiring employees, business licenses, or retail locations. All were in a niche with no competitors.