For anyone interested in Investing money in Stock Market its really important to learn the art and science of investment and trading methodology. i.e- Technical and Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis is the analysis of a business's financial statements (usually to analyze the business's assets, liabilities, and earnings); financial health, its competitors and markets.
Technical analysis is an art that helps you to invest/trade along with the direction of the stock trend and make the most of it. The approach is based on the demand/supply situation in the market. If the demand for the scrip/commodity is more than the supply the prices will rise and it would be prudent to buy. On the other hand if the supply of the commodity/share is more than the demand the prices will fall and it would be prudent to exit i.e. sell or book profits.
For the purpose of this book –we are focusing on Technical Analysis
Fundamental analysis is the analysis of a business's financial statements (usually to analyze the business's assets, liabilities, and earnings); financial health, its competitors and markets.
Technical analysis is an art that helps you to invest/trade along with the direction of the stock trend and make the most of it. The approach is based on the demand/supply situation in the market. If the demand for the scrip/commodity is more than the supply the prices will rise and it would be prudent to buy. On the other hand if the supply of the commodity/share is more than the demand the prices will fall and it would be prudent to exit i.e. sell or book profits.
For the purpose of this book –we are focusing on Technical Analysis