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    If I Would Have Known Then, What I Know Now….

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    If I Would Have Known Then, What I Know Now….

    By Anonymous

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    I’m not going to use my name in this publication because too many people view me, and especially this information as a threat. Credit repair is an exploding industry because of the flood of bad debt, bad credit, credit scores falling through the floor, seemingly nobody understanding their consumer rights anymore and FICO is laughing all the way to the bank!. “They” are threatened because they know this information is VERY POWERFUL and extremely EMPOWERING. The credit bureaus are FOR PROFIT organizations, credit reporting is VOLUNTARY. The credit bureaus make billions of dollars each year by selling YOUR personal information. The credit bureaus and the credit providers (banks, credit card companies and most other lending institutions) have a “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” relationship. The last time I checked, banks don’t make any profits off of people with the lowest interest rates. The banks do however; pay monthly subscription fees to the credit bureaus allowing them to report information about you, and to get information about you. So the credit bureaus are making money from the banks via their monthly subscription fees (among other fees). The banks make profits off of people paying high interest rates on their loans. Wouldn’t it make sense for the credit bureaus to do everything in their power to keep as many people in a poor credit position which will make their clients (the banks) more profitable? Of course it does! It’s all about the profits to these companies.

    If the millions of Americans with bad credit knew the information in this publication, it would put the credit bureaus and the banks at a huge financial disadvantage. This information will also take away a great deal of the “leverage” the banks and credit bureaus would like for you to perceive they have over you.

    In my years as a credit repair expert, I have consulted people who earn millions of dollars each year, yet they couldn’t get a hot dog on credit. All because they don’t know and understand what their consumer rights are and they don’t see how credit REALLY works.

    Ignorance is not bliss folks! You need to change all of your views of how credit works. You need to understand that credit is really just a GAME, that can be strategized the same as Chess. If you don’t understand the rules, and don’t know how to play the game, you WILL LOSE.

    The information I will give you in this publication will GIVE YOU THE ADVANTAGE. I will show you how YOU CAN WIN THIS GAME.

    Just remember, “Knowledge is POTENTIAL Power” If you don’t use this knowledge, you are no better off than before you purchased this publication.

    Buy this book now and regain your financial life!
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