Study Chinese anytime and anywhere with smartphone, tablet, etc
Focused on the pronunciation of common Chinese characters, which comprise approximately 70% of Chinese characters in Korea and China
Easy Chinese vocabulary search through Hangeul alphabetical order:
Pinyin (Romanized standard Chinese pronunciation) with Chinese characters (both simplified and traditional fonts if applicable)
This book lists approximately 2,500 core Chinese vocabulary for school, examinations (such as HSK and entrance exams), business, and daily life. Main entries are in Hangeul (Korean alphabet) alphabetically with Romanized Korean pronunciation and Chinese characters (traditional font) in the first line; Pinyin (Romanized standard Chinese pronunciation) with Chinese characters (both simplified and traditional fonts if applicable) in the next line.
가치 ga chi 價値
jià zhí 价值 (價值)
* Please refer to website for more information. (www.corevoca.com)
Study Chinese anytime and anywhere with smartphone, tablet, etc
Focused on the pronunciation of common Chinese characters, which comprise approximately 70% of Chinese characters in Korea and China
Easy Chinese vocabulary search through Hangeul alphabetical order:
Pinyin (Romanized standard Chinese pronunciation) with Chinese characters (both simplified and traditional fonts if applicable)
This book lists approximately 2,500 core Chinese vocabulary for school, examinations (such as HSK and entrance exams), business, and daily life. Main entries are in Hangeul (Korean alphabet) alphabetically with Romanized Korean pronunciation and Chinese characters (traditional font) in the first line; Pinyin (Romanized standard Chinese pronunciation) with Chinese characters (both simplified and traditional fonts if applicable) in the next line.
가치 ga chi 價値
jià zhí 价值 (價值)
* Please refer to website for more information. (www.corevoca.com)