When I came up with the initial idea of writing this book, it was because I had been inspired by the many amusing incidents and events which I had either, come across or been apart of, over the years, many of them whilst serving in the Royal Air Force Police. It seemed a great shame to let them just fade away without a trace. I therefore decided that they had to be recorded in the vain hope that they might just amuse the readers of my efforts.
My original intention was just to write a book containing these assorted stories, but then I put a lot more thought into it. Perhaps one funny story after another would somehow lose its impact on the reader. So as a result, I began to think about all the important events which had taken place during my time in the RAF and while I don't for one moment pretend to be any type of celebrity I nevertheless decided that to record those events in this book would paint a much fuller picture. As a result, the original amusing stories were included in the relevant chapters as and when they occurred.
My original intention was just to write a book containing these assorted stories, but then I put a lot more thought into it. Perhaps one funny story after another would somehow lose its impact on the reader. So as a result, I began to think about all the important events which had taken place during my time in the RAF and while I don't for one moment pretend to be any type of celebrity I nevertheless decided that to record those events in this book would paint a much fuller picture. As a result, the original amusing stories were included in the relevant chapters as and when they occurred.