This book is intended chiefly to be used as a first book in geometrical drawing, by persons who have not had the .benefit of a mathematical education, and who in a majority of cases, have not the time or inclination to study any complex matter, or what is the same thing, that which may appear so to them. And if used in schools, its detailed explanations, we believe, will save time to the teacher, by permitting the scholar to obtain for himself much information that he would otherwise require to have explained to him.
But it is also intended to be used for self-instruction, without the aid of a teacher, to whom the student might refer for explanation of any difficulty; under these circumstances I do not believe an explanation can be couched in too simple language.
But it is also intended to be used for self-instruction, without the aid of a teacher, to whom the student might refer for explanation of any difficulty; under these circumstances I do not believe an explanation can be couched in too simple language.