Nofel rymus, ddirfawr sy'n llawn datblygiadau annisgwyl. Mae'r stori yn troi o gwmpas Alun Brady, dyn sydd wedi byw bywyd tawel a chysgodol yng nghartref crand ei rieni yng Nghaerdydd. Ond pan ddaw ei dad-cu drygionus i fyw ac i farw gyda'r teulu, dyma ddechrau ar newidiadau enfawr a dyfodiad cymeriadau lliwgar i fywyd Alun. Nofel am yr hyn sy'n tarfu ar dawelwch undonog bywyd.
A powerful and profound novel, full of unexpected developments. Alun Brady, a young man who has led a sheltered life with his parents in a rich Cardiff suburb, is the focal character. When his grandfather comes to live with the family Alun is thrown into bizarre new situations, and encounters colourful characters. This is a novel about how a monotonous life is shattered and disrupted
A powerful and profound novel, full of unexpected developments. Alun Brady, a young man who has led a sheltered life with his parents in a rich Cardiff suburb, is the focal character. When his grandfather comes to live with the family Alun is thrown into bizarre new situations, and encounters colourful characters. This is a novel about how a monotonous life is shattered and disrupted