The final installment is here...
The series began with Alexis, and now she's front and center again.
What could be worse than finding out your daughter has been turned into a killing machine, without a chance of a cure? Finding out that everything you know is a lie.
Just when Alexis truly thinks her life is under control, it's been turned upside down. Those she thought she could trust are unreliable at best. The ones she thought she never could count on, those are the ones she must believe.
Can she wade through the lies in time to save her daughter?
The series began with Alexis, and now she's front and center again.
What could be worse than finding out your daughter has been turned into a killing machine, without a chance of a cure? Finding out that everything you know is a lie.
Just when Alexis truly thinks her life is under control, it's been turned upside down. Those she thought she could trust are unreliable at best. The ones she thought she never could count on, those are the ones she must believe.
Can she wade through the lies in time to save her daughter?