How to Quickly Improve Memory and Learning
for Tactile Left and Right-Brain Superlinks Learning Styles
Ricki Linksman
Discover how your hands can unlock the key to your tactile brain to increase your memory.
Imagine if you could remember everything you read by using your hands or involving your feelings. How much easier would learning be for you on the job, at school, or learning a sport or hobby?
If you remember material best when you write it, draw it, or doodle while listening, then you could be a tactile learner.
Do you concentrate better and do your best work when people around you like and appreciate you? Do you shut down when there is negativity around you? Are you so busy reading the body language, facial gestures, and tones of voice of people around you that they drown out the subject you are being taught? If visual or auditory teaching styles have been difficult for you, take heart! You are not alone. This book will hand you the keys to your tactile brain and supercharge your memory powers!
While there are many memory books, this one by accelerated brain-based learning expert, Ricki Linksman, is unique. It is filled with practical exercises and strategies for memory improvement proven to work for how YOU as a tactile learner remembers best.
Use these tips for yourself, or as a parent or teacher for your children and teens These memory tips can dramatically improve reading comprehension for any adult or child from nursery, kindergarten, grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, or college. Memory improving can help sports coaches teach athletes their sports playbooks whether in football, or other sports such as basketball, hockey, baseball, soccer, or to remember golf swings. Employers and trainers can help employees or trainees learn their job skills and improve performance.
You hold in your hands the secrets to gain confidence and raised self-esteem when you discover you can recall anything you read and choose to remember. Starting right now, experience the joys of learning as you use your hands and tactile brain power to achieve your life’s goals.
for Tactile Left and Right-Brain Superlinks Learning Styles
Ricki Linksman
Discover how your hands can unlock the key to your tactile brain to increase your memory.
Imagine if you could remember everything you read by using your hands or involving your feelings. How much easier would learning be for you on the job, at school, or learning a sport or hobby?
If you remember material best when you write it, draw it, or doodle while listening, then you could be a tactile learner.
Do you concentrate better and do your best work when people around you like and appreciate you? Do you shut down when there is negativity around you? Are you so busy reading the body language, facial gestures, and tones of voice of people around you that they drown out the subject you are being taught? If visual or auditory teaching styles have been difficult for you, take heart! You are not alone. This book will hand you the keys to your tactile brain and supercharge your memory powers!
While there are many memory books, this one by accelerated brain-based learning expert, Ricki Linksman, is unique. It is filled with practical exercises and strategies for memory improvement proven to work for how YOU as a tactile learner remembers best.
Use these tips for yourself, or as a parent or teacher for your children and teens These memory tips can dramatically improve reading comprehension for any adult or child from nursery, kindergarten, grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, or college. Memory improving can help sports coaches teach athletes their sports playbooks whether in football, or other sports such as basketball, hockey, baseball, soccer, or to remember golf swings. Employers and trainers can help employees or trainees learn their job skills and improve performance.
You hold in your hands the secrets to gain confidence and raised self-esteem when you discover you can recall anything you read and choose to remember. Starting right now, experience the joys of learning as you use your hands and tactile brain power to achieve your life’s goals.