Free Wicca Bonus Book Included
Everything you need to get you started in Witchcraft and how you can incorporate this peaceful and powerful craft into your daily life where it counts the most.
In ancient history witchcraft was termed as the "craft of the wise" since the practitioners who followed this path were in perfect harmony with the forces of nature and in this book you will find out what real witchcraft is and also more importantly how you can start on the path of incorporating this craft into your life so you can live a fulfilling life
Before the name of Witchcraft was tarnished by the religions of the time magic practitioners of all walks of life were extremely revered from different regions of the world and were the seers,healers, wise ones, rainmakers, medicine men and women and they practiced magic in one way or the other, may you follow the craft as well
Here is a preview of what you will learn
What real Witchcraft is and the many misconceptions people have
Explain White Magic and Black Magic and the dangers and benefits of both
Different styles of common Witchcraft and what they entail
How to become a witch and tools and tips to get you started on your path
Learn different spells for beginners
witchcraft supplies
Conclusion and encouragement
Tags witchcraft, witchcraft supplies, witchcraft spell books, witchcraft books