Do you struggle to come up with blog post ideas? Having difficulty crafting blog post titles? This book contains 200 blog post title prompts that can be used by ANY blogger in ANY niche. Save tons of time with this go to reference guide to cure your writers block for good! Also included is a 'go to keywords for blog post titles' list that contains 138 high converting keywords to help drive visitors to your site, and a list of the tools I use and recommend to help come up with even more blog post titles.
The blog post title prompts in this book can also be used for other areas of your blog such as social media updates, email headlines, sales pages, sub-headings within your blog posts (or even the first line of a blog post), product names e.g. for an ebook or ecourse and search engine meta data.
You may also like my other ebook: 1200 blog post ideas:
The blog post title prompts in this book can also be used for other areas of your blog such as social media updates, email headlines, sales pages, sub-headings within your blog posts (or even the first line of a blog post), product names e.g. for an ebook or ecourse and search engine meta data.
You may also like my other ebook: 1200 blog post ideas: