Do you want to save money? cut your bills to half? get out of debt? etc.
This book is Just for you
Why live frugally?
First, because it allows you to spend less than you earn, and use the difference to pay off debt, save or invest. Or all three. Second, because the less you spend, the less you need to earn. And that means you can choose to work less, or work more but retire early. Or take mini retirements. You have more options with a frugal lifestyle.
I live frugally and I have a great life. One where I spend time with my family, where I have conversations and read and get outside and do things that are fun and exercise and focus on what’s important and spend my free time the way I want. This is a good life.
So, if you’d like some tips on frugal living, here are just a few, from a cheapskate who lives frugally and enjoys his life.
This book includes many creative tips for frugal living:
41 tips for frugal living
47 Tips to Save on Grocery Shopping
24 Frugal Gift Ideas to Show You Appreciate Someone
74 Ways to Have Fun with Your Kids for Free or Cheap
(cheapskate living and loving it, cheapskate living, how to save money, frugal living, frugal millionaire, frugal tips, how to save money on groceries)