The 100th Wish is based upon a true story told by Caroline and her grandmother. What is a wish? How many ways are there to make a wish? Does wishing all the ways you can think of make wishes come true or is there more to it? In her 7 year longing for a puppy Caroline learns all the ways to make a wish, who to ask to assist her, how to take responsibility and deal with disappointment and frustration.
Her experiences and the outcome of her story has led her to look at wishes and fulfillment in a new way. She has dedicated her second book to the Make a Wish Foundation and appeals to her readers to make a difference in the life of a child.
Her experiences and the outcome of her story has led her to look at wishes and fulfillment in a new way. She has dedicated her second book to the Make a Wish Foundation and appeals to her readers to make a difference in the life of a child.