"I cried out of a sense of loss, from fear, and from incredible guilt. I cried for the dreams that I had for my son that may never come true. I cried for Colton, to be so innocent and unaware that he would forever be different." (excerpt)
About the Author: After receiving the Autism diagnosis for Colton, I spent hours on the internet researching. What I found was that there was so much information and support available regarding the practical steps…what to do, who to call, therapies, diets, etc. I was disappointed, however, to find a lack of support for the emotional hardship we all carry, as parents, after hearing that our child has special needs. I began writing about my feelings and my experiences as a means to cope. Writing became very therapeutic for me, and I believe most parents share similar emotional reactions in situations like this. Grief, sadness, fear, and guilt are all natural responses, and I decided to share my emotional journey with the hope that it will help other parents feel comfort that they are not alone in these feelings. My wish is that my words will offer support, motivation, and inspiration. Thank you for reading. Your comments are appreciated and encouraged.
About the Author: After receiving the Autism diagnosis for Colton, I spent hours on the internet researching. What I found was that there was so much information and support available regarding the practical steps…what to do, who to call, therapies, diets, etc. I was disappointed, however, to find a lack of support for the emotional hardship we all carry, as parents, after hearing that our child has special needs. I began writing about my feelings and my experiences as a means to cope. Writing became very therapeutic for me, and I believe most parents share similar emotional reactions in situations like this. Grief, sadness, fear, and guilt are all natural responses, and I decided to share my emotional journey with the hope that it will help other parents feel comfort that they are not alone in these feelings. My wish is that my words will offer support, motivation, and inspiration. Thank you for reading. Your comments are appreciated and encouraged.