I have watched friends and family spend hundreds to thousands of pounds on different weight loss pills and programs. What breaks my heart, however, is seeing them put so much effort only to yield very minimal results. And this led me to thinking and asking, why is this so?
Apparently, as I dug through the secrets of diet and weight loss, I discovered a rather appalling truth. Dieting products are designed to not make you lose weight at all, and even if they did help shed a few pounds off, you will inevitably gain them back after a few months.
This is caused by an almost insatiable hunger felt after the diet or by the end of the program. This is the body’s evolutionary reaction after losing too much weight in too little time. This means that the real work in dieting isn’t entirely on losing, but instead, on maintaining the ideal weight.
The sad truth here is that dieting programs aren’t concerned with this. None even bothered to explain it to you or anyone.
Thankfully, however, we now have the Dukan diet -- the only answer to this problem so far.
Apparently, as I dug through the secrets of diet and weight loss, I discovered a rather appalling truth. Dieting products are designed to not make you lose weight at all, and even if they did help shed a few pounds off, you will inevitably gain them back after a few months.
This is caused by an almost insatiable hunger felt after the diet or by the end of the program. This is the body’s evolutionary reaction after losing too much weight in too little time. This means that the real work in dieting isn’t entirely on losing, but instead, on maintaining the ideal weight.
The sad truth here is that dieting programs aren’t concerned with this. None even bothered to explain it to you or anyone.
Thankfully, however, we now have the Dukan diet -- the only answer to this problem so far.