Just a spoon full of honey is all it takes to lose weight according to the sweetest, easiest diet.
Fall asleep and the weight will fall off you. It couldn't be simpler or easier.
Honey has always been regarded as a food with almost magical, health-giving and healing properties. Now the latest scientific research backs this up.
We are always being told that sugar is bad for us, and that is true of most types of sugar - but science shows that honey is good sugar.
Just a tablespoon of honey every night before you go to bed will:
· Give your body exactly the right type and quantity of food it needs to burn off excess weight during the night
· Reduce your craving for other - bad - sugars during the day
· Give golden slumbers, deep long-lasting, dream-filled sleep that will help you wake up happy and refreshed
· Help restore your immune system and your body's natural balances
Nutrition expert and former Boots chemist Mike McInnes here reveals the secrets of his revolutionary diet, gives a step by step guide to complementary meals and simple, easy resistance exercises, suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.