Follow the story of Hayden, a seventeen year old homosexual boy living in Georgia. Hayden and his twin sister Chris have just moved to a small town in Georgia from their beloved home in California. Although they live in modern times the town is stuck in it's old fashion ways, meaning Hayden's sexuality is not excepted. But when Hayden and his bully Tony are forced to spend time together they don't realize that they will change the lives of everyone around them forever.
Hi, this is just a little side note from the author, me! First off I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you buying my book. This is my first completed book so it's really exciting. I would really like some feedback on my book, good or bad, it doesn't matter. So if you could find some time to write a review that would be great! Thanks again. ~Ramsey Lola Ramirez
Hi, this is just a little side note from the author, me! First off I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you buying my book. This is my first completed book so it's really exciting. I would really like some feedback on my book, good or bad, it doesn't matter. So if you could find some time to write a review that would be great! Thanks again. ~Ramsey Lola Ramirez