If you are thinking about subscribing to Kindle FreeTime Unlimited for kids (also known as Amazon FreeTime Unlimited), this little guide will offer you the information you need to make an informed decision. Get to know all about what Kindle FreeTime is, what's included in the service, and most important, what parents are saying.
Some parents love this service, and think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread for their kiddos, while other parents are fed up with some of the usability issues described inside this guide. Every complaint mentioned inside has a reference link, so you can go view the conversation or blog post for yourself.
This guide is available through Kindle Unlimited, so if you are a subscriber, you can download it for free.
Some parents love this service, and think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread for their kiddos, while other parents are fed up with some of the usability issues described inside this guide. Every complaint mentioned inside has a reference link, so you can go view the conversation or blog post for yourself.
This guide is available through Kindle Unlimited, so if you are a subscriber, you can download it for free.